
My Engagement...

Dear Friends...
Sorry to all kalau2 ada yang tak maklum...Anyway, Alhamdulillah, I just engaged last Saturday 13 May 2006..Actually, it's just a small ceremony... Hopefully, no hard feeling,k? So here, I really hope that u guys could pray all the best for me...That's the greatest gift that I would really appreciate from u all.... Thanks a lot...Doakanlah yang terbaik buat saya....

Untuk majlis walimatul urus, saya akan maklumkan nanti....Tunggguuuuuuuu.....


Duwanz said...

syabas dah tahniah ek.. jemput2 lah nanti ke walimatul urus ek... bleh jalan2 kat johor.. :d

pak harr said...

tahniahhh amni...
jgn lupa jemput kalo dah nak makan nasi minyak nantiii....

Anonymous said...

big congratulations.
xsabar nye nak gi mkan nasik minyak

~may happiness be urs..alwayz.~

syud said...

congrats amni.. =)

LinZ said...

hulamak..seperti yang dijangka...amni, ko menang tempat pertama..hauhaahha..congratz..and may Allah always bless u..

putri_xue said...

though i'm late to wish it..
and sorry 4 couldnt make it 4 da ngagement session coz da upcoming unexpected event...

nway, happy alwitz!!!

seyla said...

tahniah..semoga bahgia hendaknya..hehehe..

Hamba Allah said...

Im, missing you...where are you now?

Hamba Allah said...

Haha....baru tau banyak comments rupenye kat sini... Dah 7 tahun dah aku kawin, baru perasan msg2 kalian...TQSM maaf lambat reply...