
Oh ini masanya... Delivery...


@4am - I woke up, couldnt sleep at all due to hard and longgg pain.. "Ok good, it's a good sign".. I was so afraid to face the fact that today I will be induced. Nooooooooooooooo, I don want...Pls baby help mummy... Contraction only last for about an hour...huhu... Is it a dummy??? I dunno...
@10am - Myself and hubby went to KPJ Selangor's for the lastttt appointment with Dr Siti Esah, O&G. I was supposed to be indused today. I prayed so hard that baby would come out naturally.. Oh Allah, pls help me...
@11am - met Dr Siti, she checked on my bp. Ooo ok, I am getting nervous. Then, as usual, she checked on my opening, 1cm only. Warded! She said, she will induced of the method she called it within 24hr I will deliver. Ooo ok, I felt so tensed!!!
@12pm - warded for 2 beded room due to single room fully occupied. Never mind. Went up to room 236. I just laid down on bed, my hubby just sat at the visitor's single sofa. We quitely waited, while I prayed hard that contractions would come again more frequent. Huhu.... still no signs..
Nurses came, collected my blood sample for lab test before delivery. Till now, I dunno the result of my hb. Then, I asked the nurse when would Dr Siti came to check on me, the nurse said should anytime soon around 1pm. Ohh my....I felt much more nervous, panic cos I couldnt feel any contraction still...huhu
My hubby went down to look for food cos it was lunch time but no food. May be it was delayed cos I checked in late. So, my hubby bought a nasi campur for us to share. I ate nasi plus lauk ayam masak tauchu(sodappppp) and one lauk, couldnt remember. After a while, my lunch meal pun sampai. So I makan tak ingat dunia thinking that I would need energy for delivery later on.
@1pm something - after azan Zohor, I quickly prayed cos I knew that I could still perfom prayer. Somemore, I dunno if I could have time to do it later on.
Soon after that around 2pm, Dr Siti came to gimme some medicine tru my V. She first checked on my opening. Ok, it was 3cm and I have to quickly push to labor room cos according to her, it's far better and makes things easier...Ok, they took wheel cahir and I went to labor room.
@2pm like that, I was in labour room no 2. Diff than Safii's time, if not mistaken next to that room was Safii's room. They put on CTG, contractions were to little. Waited about 4hours, nurses helped me to open my openings wider and that I got the contractions harder. OMG, it was soooo painfull.
@6pm Ok, I couldnt wait any longger.. I told the nurses, can I start pushing now??? They asked the doc and doc agreed since I've opened at 8cm and ready to push plus this is my 2nd baby. Ok, nurses made a sudden change to the bed I laid on, pulled out the end part on the bed so my butt will be at the end of the bed, widened my leg and put both legs at designated paddle, hands both tighly held both handles on my right and left thighs. Ok, the 'battle' started!!!
@ 6:43pm Alhamdulillah, safely pushed my baby out to the world! I could heard him crying and doc immediately put him on my tummy, and she asked "What's the gender, Amni?". I said "It's a boy" then, I fell down soooo exhausted! Doc still continued with things to be done on the wound, plus preparing for the stemcell for keeping it in the bank. I chose to save it at StemLife this time around. Last time, I have tried Crycord but it was unsuccessful due to contaminated umbilical cord. So sad... Hopefully, this time it works...amin

Update Dec 2011: A month after delivery, I received notification by StemLife that my baby cord was successfully stored. Alhamdulillah... Syukur..

Update Nov 2012: Thaqeef already one year old. Alhamdulilah, we've completed the 1st year of payment when then will be continued by Thaqeef when he starts working later on at 21 years old. From now on, we don't have to pay anything til then.

Ahmad Izzthaqeef

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